Friday, December 02, 2011

Saga of the White Floor and the Near Death of Me!

Oh my goodness. What in the world was I thinking?  Trying to clean that kitchen vinyl floor that is supposed to white.  And how in the world does dirt get in those little indentations in the areas where we usually never go?  as in over by the cabinets where no one ever sits?  Maybe there's a dirt ghost in the house that finds and grinds dirt in the floor? 
Table & chairs usually go here

Some of the dirt is gone.  Three, yes you read that correctly, 3 mops outlasted the mop bucket - it is plastic and the floor cleaners ate through the thin parts on the bottom.  It should have been the other way around. 
and 2 scrubbers

It's too cold to be slopping water! ok so maybe I should wear shoes with the socks to clean the floor.
And by the way, these pictures make the floor look even worse. 
Temporary kitty jungle
One last try tomorrow and then everything goes back in place - otherwise it might be the new year before anything else gets done!

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