Saturday, February 11, 2012


Apparently someone is bored.


  1. Does he know what happens in there? (Lots of wet?)

  2. Hi Carla - thanks for your visit! I'll have to look at my camera. I've had several and at the moment, I don't remember what kind it is (silly me!). I think it's a Nikon but I'll look. It's not fancy. I just set it on highest number of pixels, even tho the card won't hold as many pictures. But that way, if I need to enlarge something real big to crop (like the robins up in the trees), it's not too blurry.

    I found my cat IN the washing machine. I left the lid up. Thank goodness she was found before I turned that thing on. Guess she'd have come out squalling if I'd turned that water on!
