Monday, May 26, 2014

In honor of my dad, brother and many other relatives who gave ....

My dad, as he left for WWII, Europe & Africa

My nephew (at Dad's funeral) - who puts his life on the line for us everyday
My brother - went to the military as a kid and came out a man
In honor of those who went before...
A thank you is not enough to all the men and women who serve our country to protect our country and our freedom.

Many in my family, uncles, aunts, and greats have served in the military and police...back to the Revolutionary War (and before that most likely).

Thank you.
and may God bless all your families.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Catching Up

Yikes!  Busy busy busy....
James and Nancy McCann!  Where are you hiding?
 Mom and I went to Boswell OK to find some relatives (my great great grandparents) but they weren't where they were supposed to be.  So we'll have to return some time.  We didn't eat lunch until around 2 so we were starving!  Mom ate and ate and ate and licked her plate clean at Chili's.  Reminds me of her mom who also normally ate like a bird until we went out.  Grams favorite was Chinese food.
Where's my Chuy's cream jalapeno dip?

Then there's the grand nieces.  Little-ist Miss M is so darn cute.  I got to hold her.  I forgot that newborn skin is so so soft.  

How they drive in Arkansas

And a quick quick trip to Arkansas

and here's Miss M the elder with little Miss M
soooo adorable, they are
and this morning, I get to go with my sister and the elderly-est Miss M to see Rio 2 and go to lunch.  Little-ist Miss M declined the invitation.. something about sleeping and eating and pooping all day.