Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Change in the Air

Well, I don't mind change for the good of things...but....gee Blogger - get a grip!

The yard is doing great, even the weeds are doing good.  I have a neighbor that wants to live in a forest and now that I've adjusted that side of the yard with shade loving plants, they decide to trim their trees.  I don't mean trim, I mean T R I M.  Well, I can say that I bet the crape myrtle does much better this year.  We don't have large yard so the 12 or so trees is just overkill (ok ok so I mean over shade).  There is moss growing on their side and this is TEXAS with HEAT and they use water as if there was no tomorrow.  They water in the winter.  Well, not this winter since we are still in Stage 3 of water restictions and I was watching this time.  Really, several winters they watered 3 times a week just like they do in summer (yes 3 times a week is too much even here) and when I said something, they claimed their controller had problems.   hmmmm controller problems for 3 winters?   NOT

I'm in the back yard most of the time if I go outside.  So I missed a drug bust/sting/thingy on Friday night.  Apparently, there were tons of police cars in the front.  Dang it!  I could have watched live stuff happening.  I've known there was surveillance going on for a while (another neighbor is with a federal law enforcement agency and I'm sure she wasn't supposed to tell us).  Our neighborhood is soooo boring.

My furry children are doing ok as long as you think Sam terrorizing Millie is ok.  Poor Sam, I try not to keep yelling at him but he has to learn to leave her alone.  She bit the S**T out of my arm the other night when I turned over in my sleep.  I admit I must have startled her and she thought it was Sam trying to get her again.  This diabetes thing is really tiresome and I hate to see Sam acting out when he's not feeling well.  He thinks he must be near me all the time and he is taking over all her hiding places.

Yes, that is paint.  And I made him move after his tail swished over the paint.  He thinks I'm mean.

Monday, April 16, 2012

The Real Spring

We had rain over the weekend but not the storms.  Just a few thunders and no hail.  And that's always a good thing.

The backyard is looking pretty good.  That is the Texas Bird of Paradise with the Oleander in the background.

Some iris' in the side yard.  I sure wish they bloomed more.

The rain always lets me know if the oleander needs some more trimming!  If it doesn't get trimmed then the mower guys get head whacked!
 The Leaning Tree Rose... the wind got it before the rain so it needs to be staked again.  The trunk (like the Texas Bird of Paradise) is very weak. 

Sunday, April 08, 2012

Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Stormy Weather Keep On Passing Me By....please

So I'm busy cleaning out closets and not paying attention to the weather (well, they kept telling me for several days now about the thunder and rain that I hadn't seen..).  Anyhow, my Dad called to see if I was out and about while the tornadoes were paying a brief but destructive visit to the area. 

So I turned on tv to see the damage and check out the weather station when the sirens went off.  Our police department sent out emails stating it was Plano sirens not Allen sirens.  I'm on the border and with the way the wind blows, I can't hear Allen sirens, but I hear the Plano ones (thank goodness).  Soon after, I get an email from APD saying our sirens were going off as we were in the direct path of one.  Fortunately, it behaved and stayed up and didn't drop down.  Unfortunately, there were several that did touch down but not near me or any of my family. 

I kept checking with Mom to make sure she was ok and was aware of the storms on the way to her house.

A few friends had their cars damaged while they were at work - one lost her windshield and side mirrors.  All friends seem to be safe and sound and posting on FB.

Tornadoes are scary. I didn't go out and take pictures because I wasn't paying attention since it had been cloudy all day.  And then I just wasn't going to go out and get wet. 

We have a closet designated as the 'tornado closet'.  It has bottled water, a weather radio with batteries (and you can crank it), LED lights, flashlight, cat stuff (food, snacks, bowls, Sam's medical stuff all except the insulin which has to stay cold).  I hang my purse in there during tornado season instead of leaving it in my office.  I just need to put a chair in there. 

I hope all blog friends are safe and sound.