Wednesday, December 25, 2013


Good morning and Merry Christmas!

Hope your day is a good one where ever you may be.  Enjoy the day.  

Thinking of those no longer with us with joy and some sadness too.  

M*E*R*R*Y   C*H*R*I*S*T*M*A*S !!!!

Sunday, December 08, 2013


these pictures are from yesterday Saturday 12/7
Jim Bob didn't get fired only because his primary job is to scare the rats and mice away.  He will have a new job description when his contract expires.
Desert Willow - bending not broken yet
Crape Myrtle ok but Bird of Paradise tree took a hit
Volunteer Desert Willow - by the way, that is all ice not snow
Texas Red Oak is usually much taller when it isn't weighed down with ice
Yikes, the Oleander is completely bent over and the little gazebo? well, this was taken right before the weight of the ice collapsed it
poor pansies
It's all ice from the sleet - no snow here at all.  Since we won't get above freezing until Monday (maybe), damage won't be apparent for a while. 

The good news is that I have a gas fireplace and gas usually isn't a problem here.  The bad news is the short power outages and thankfully, they've all been 5 minutes or less.

Sure glad I have battery candles.

Updated title as some think ICEMAGEDDON was last year?