these pictures are from yesterday Saturday 12/7
Jim Bob didn't get fired only because his primary job is to scare the
rats and mice away. He will have a new job description when his
contract expires. |
Desert Willow - bending not broken yet |
Crape Myrtle ok but Bird of Paradise tree took a hit |
Volunteer Desert Willow - by the way, that is all ice not snow |
Texas Red Oak is usually much taller when it isn't weighed down with ice |
Yikes, the Oleander is completely bent over and the little gazebo? well, this was taken right before the weight of the ice collapsed it |
poor pansies |
It's all ice from the sleet - no snow here at all. Since we won't get above freezing until Monday (maybe), damage won't be apparent for a while.
The good news is that I have a gas fireplace and gas usually isn't a problem here. The bad news is the short power outages and thankfully, they've all been 5 minutes or less.
Sure glad I have battery candles.
Updated title as some think ICEMAGEDDON was last year?