Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Rough Week

Two deaths in the extended family.  My sister's mother-in-law and my brother's father-in-law within 3 days.  Both were expected and both are now resting in peace.  

That puts getting older in perspective.

My niece-in-law took me to the doctor Monday afternoon.  I was stupid and so excited to get out of the house that I forgot to eat when I took a pain pill (I thought they were going to take out the staples).  I hadn't taken a pain pill in over a week.

Of course I got sick.  They scrounged up a fortune cookie for me.  That helped.  We drove through WhatABurger on the way back.

Of course, I still got sick again.

To make matters worse,
Sam got sick too.
At the time, 
he was sitting above me
on the recliner.

he got sick in my hair.

Tuesday, March 03, 2015

March comes in with ice?

Wow! March already!

The floating bone was not floating but firmly attached with a few bone chips below it. I went for a second opinion and used the dr that replaced my knee.   I had surgery last Wednesday.  It went well.

While waking up, I was having chest pains. They did an EKG and it was ok but recommended stopping at the ER to get checked out.   Everything checked out ok so my sister took me home.

A scooter came yesterday.  Sure beats the office chair I was using.