Saturday, December 30, 2017


Had a great time Christmas Eve and Christmas with family.
This is Jack, my sister's dog

Jack doesn't like his sweater!

Sophie continues to ignore her Christmas present from Santa.

and now we are getting ready for some severe weather with an arctic front on it's way tonight.  I keep hoping it will get lost.

Christmas & Wise Men

Sunday, December 24, 2017

It's almost Christmas!

It's almost Christmas!
Sophie and her catnip fish friend

Most of the leaves have fallen from the red oak.
New nap spot

It's about to get really cold.
I'm all snuggled up and cozy

That's OK because there is NO SNOW in the forecast.

Nope - No Santa yet

Merry Christmas

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Happy Thanksgiving!

I'm so thankful for so many things in my life, past, now and future.

I hope everyone had a safe and fun Thanksgiving.

Friday, October 27, 2017

BRRR - The Cold Front is Marching This Way

Well the weatherguessers were partly correct. A cold front did finally appear a few days later than their warnings. But so far? Yep, NO FROST!  It was supposed to be our first freeze 2 days ago. It's still not here.
Sophie all curled up napping
  But sitting here typing this, I can hear the wind rustling through the leaves that haven't turned yet. The Texas Red Oak may be just drop it's green leaves as usual overnight and they wither and turn colors on the ground. Yes, dead brown is a color. 

Sophie with her catnip fish 

Brrrr, the wind alone makes me cold!

Monday, September 25, 2017

Really? Halloween is almost here and the real feel is almost 100?

Sophie really likes the catnip cat. My sister-in-law made it a few years ago for Sam & Millie. I don't know where Sophie found it but she enjoys terrorizing it and then licking it.

It is h.o.t. We haven't had any rain this September - I guess because of all the rain we had in August. The weather guessers think it might rain before October.  
Nap time is best!
 Once or twice it actually got in the 60's at night!

Checking out the shower
But I'm tired of having the A/C on when I leave for work just before 6am and it is still dark. 

Can you spot the rabbit?

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Nothing Much

 Sophie found Millie's old bed - I guess I overlooked it when I was cleaning out Sam and Millie's old stuff. I'm glad Sophie found it and apparently she likes it!

Ahhh.. some old fashioned Phlox

And here's Sophie again!  She found a toy she loves.  The best part is that it is in the living room and she will come out and play with it every now and again. She's still a little skittish and likes the back half of the house. 

Tuesday, July 04, 2017

Happy 4th of July!

Be safe 
keep your pets safe and away from fireworks
have fun
and remember all those who worked to give us our freedom

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Welcome Home Sophie


She's 10 years old. 

Small short hair cat

Still exploring the house and loves the window ledge in the master bathroom.

She must have used a faucet for water because she goes to the faucets when I'm near a sink. 
So I got her a watering fountain.
No, she isn't spoiled.

She was an indoor/outdoor cat that lived with kids, grandkids, cats and dogs. Her brother was adopted earlier. 

She ran and jumped on the bed by my feet the first night. She sleeps on the bed now. That is ok with me.

Sophie likes to run around when she isn't sleeping.

She knows the words breakfast and dinner - ok, well, as long as I have her food on a cat plate.

She has a tiny meow but she can purr!

Please say 'hi' to Sophie. 

Friday, May 19, 2017

SAM - RIP - May 19 2017

Sam was almost 13 years old
Diabetes wore him out

Sam sure loved to eat and he snatched my food too

He loved violas and pansies for snacks 

Sam caught a rat once...outside

He didn't catch the butterflies, birds or squirrels though

 Sam sure loved to nap

The house is very quiet now

Sunday, April 30, 2017

Sam guards against tornadoes

Sam did a great job yesterday guarding against tornadoes and dragons.

Praying for those in the Canton area and surrounding areas that were hit by tornadoes yesterday. It was First Monday weekend too so more people than normal were in the area. 

We got enough rain that the sprinkler system didn't go off early this morning.  Some thunder but not a lot. We are under heavy wind advisory today. Going outside when it warms up a little to check the back yard.  

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Just you try and catch me!

Stalking in my back yard...

Sam about to grab a white butterfly!

Oops! He missed ... but he sure had some fun trying to catch it after stalking it for a while.