Sunday, March 17, 2013

Why kids should wear sunscreen

It can take 20+ years before it decides to appear as basal cell carcinoma.  This is the good one?  This is what a pin head bump can turn into. I've used sunscreen since I was in my early twenties, wear hats when in the sun a lot, and stay out of the sun.  Oh, and I have window tint on the car that keeps the UV rays out (that's my arm protection).  

I may have to change my screen name to Frankencarla.

Since I forgot today is St Patrick's Day, here's tribute
 to watch and giggle.  Thanks for the reminder Diane @ theblueridgegal


  1. Oh bless your heart!
    I hope you're better soon and much improved.
    sunscreen is so important...not just for kids either.

  2. Wow! I hope this was your only tangle with that!
