Wednesday, October 19, 2011

And Winter has arrived!

Brrrr! A cold front really did come through and appears to be staying a few days.  But it didn't get below freezing thank goodness!  I don't miss the 105+ degree days at all but I'm not ready to bring out the sweaters either.  A few more months of nice weather would be acceptable to me.

By the way, I checked on those 2 tomatoes from the first second batch of tomatoes.  They are still growing even though the plant looks almost dead.  So I may pluck them for a snack this weekend.

No pictures today.  I moved Dad to a nursing home on Monday night after he was finally released from the hospital.  Am packing up his old place - he doesn't need as much stuff at the nursing home.  It's closer to me so that will be nice.  He's already received a few cards from One Fine Blessing for his birthday and that has been nice.

Sunday, October 09, 2011

Guess What? It RAINED... really, it rained more than a few drops!

Oh the sound of rain - I love it.  Especially when more than a few drops fall.  The rain came in waves all night - the best kind to soak in the ground.


It is still cloudy this morning and there may be more rain on the way.  The plants looked so lovely this morning.
Smell-o-vision or scratch-n-sniff would be great for this one.  It smelled so good.  They didn't bloom as well this year but I will probably take a cutting for the kitchen this afternoon.

The Texas Bird of Paradise is a wonderful plant - this one is supposed to be the tree version but I'm not sure as it resembles a shrub right now.  It's about 2 years old and came from the Blue Moon Garden near Edom TX.  The snow got my large one as the trunk was too limber for the tree when it was about 10' tall.  It bent completely to ground several times and finally snapped.

This is a rose shrub from my Dad.  It's about the only non-antique type rose that I have and it was mostly dead this summer.  It will get a pretty good pruning and this flower is from a stem from the base of the rose.   Smells pretty good too.

I had to laugh when I spotted these tomatoes this morning.  They don't look deformed (the plant looks like it died a month ago) so I will try to be patient a little longer before I take them.  Of course, that assumes they grow like the tomatoes from Mars.  By the way, it's the same plant.

RAIN UPDATE MONDAY MORNING - we got another inch!!  Now if it will rain some more over the lakes too...

Saturday, October 08, 2011

Tomato Crop from Mars

This year, the tomatoes decided to produce a second crop.  Mind you, these tomatoes are grown in an upside down planter.  

Are they from Mars?  Not sure.  I was afraid to try to eat one.  The picture doesn't show the real strange color of green and I must say, these will be displayed for Halloween as they are spooky. 

My average tomato crop is limited to 2-3 tomatoes no matter how many are planted.  Or when they are planted.  Or even planting in the ground versus a pot or hanger.  It doesn't matter.  But to get a 2nd crop - well, I can tell you I was excited. 

Until I saw the Tomato Crop from Mars.