It is cold. That's it. It is just downright cold. On the good side, I'm inside and the sun is shining!
And wondering why my organic lawn service is spraying today. I mean, I know it is time to spray the yard but with all the wind, the leaves are falling - along with those bazillion acorns. So they are not spraying my lawn but spraying leaves. No wonder I don't think the organic weed pre emergents don't seem to work unless I do it myself. After all, I don't put it out when there are leaves in the yard! I guess I'll be calling them ... again.
I leave the leaves in the flower beds as mulch. This is one of two Bald Cypress trees in my neighbors yard. The leaves should help the soil and that makes for some color in the beds. The mowers get the rest.
Oh, I keep forgetting about the balloons from a birthday party that got caught in my crepe myrtle in the back yard. Maybe I will just keep it as a reminder to laugh throughout the winter. And then trap and capture it -as Sam would say - when it is warm again.
I have an organic service because I don't like to do it myself. I forget when to put what out. And since Millie thinks it is her right and her personal goal to eat any grass that has grown above the rest of the grass, I prefer organic treatments. Then She and Sam and me aren't tracking in chemicals in the house.
Hi Carla - thanks so much for your visit! You've got two lovely kitties there - I'd love to send you my calico! I hope you can get Sam's diabetes under control - poor thing. Have a good week!