Sunday, April 30, 2017

Sam guards against tornadoes

Sam did a great job yesterday guarding against tornadoes and dragons.

Praying for those in the Canton area and surrounding areas that were hit by tornadoes yesterday. It was First Monday weekend too so more people than normal were in the area. 

We got enough rain that the sprinkler system didn't go off early this morning.  Some thunder but not a lot. We are under heavy wind advisory today. Going outside when it warms up a little to check the back yard.  

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Just you try and catch me!

Stalking in my back yard...

Sam about to grab a white butterfly!

Oops! He missed ... but he sure had some fun trying to catch it after stalking it for a while. 

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Time flies when not at work!

Oh my, how time flies when you are on vacation. 

A visitor - one that I keep hoping Sam doesn't catch

Sam and I didn't do much, rearranged the office, installed some lights, planted, spring yard maintenance, went UFO hunting, and took a few naps. 

My sister and I went out to Aurora TX where in 1897 a UFO ran into a little engine trouble and smacked into the area judge's windmill. The alien was given a Christian burial in the local Aurora cemetery. The gravestone was stolen when the media ran a story (not surprising) so the grave is unmarked. Hint: it's somewhere around the other 1890 gravestones. It's a pretty cemetery, there were lots of little purple wildflowers blooming and a few patches of bluebonnets. This cemetery is still using upright headstones along with the usual ground ones. It has some trees and is a nice county cemetery.   

I blamed my red feet on the UFO instead of the wind and sun burn.
Jack - my sister's dog - figured you didn't want to see my burned feet!

I could have gone to Scotland and Ireland for all I spent this week. A few new blue planters and a bazillion plants. 

I'm trying to get an estimate to add some brick (or concrete) to the little patio that my nephew and I built after I moved in here a few  years ago.  Just a few. As in about 17 years ago - see? time really does fly.

Sam got sick yesterday. He is going to have to go to the vet. I keep saying he is 10 years old but I think I've been saying that for a few years. 

Have a good week.


Monday, April 17, 2017

Happy Easter

Not sure who created this but good job!

I know, I know. Probably not the best picture for such a wonderful day. I like Easter better than Christmas (shhh, don't tell anyone) because of the new beginnings it brings in life.

I went to church with my nephew, niece in law, and their son Cooper where we met up with my niece in laws mom and sister in law. A lot of family by marriage but a family none the less.  My niece's brother was working at the firestation - he's still a newbie.

We went out to eat afterwards, a nice TexMex place where we met after Christmas services. They love Cooper there even when he makes a mess.  He's just 18 months old and learning to turn jabber into a few words.