Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Mom is gone

 Mom died last week.  

She lived a full, independent life and loved her family and flower garden.  She didn't like the gophers though.  

The night before she passed, she got quite active:  primping her hair and face, mouthing as though she was carrying on conversations, smiling, waving and patting someone on the head.
My brother, sister-in-law and I were there when she left us on Tuesday.  All her kids and grand-kids got to say good-bye and tell her we loved her.
In June, she and I went hunting for her great-grandparents grave in Boswell OK.  We didn't find them but we had a blast.  Later that month, we had a reunion with her cousins family.  They were from Oklahoma so it was really fun to hear some stories about my grandparents and the fun the cousins had in their younger years.  Got to meet some new family members too. 
She had the best nurse at the end and we discovered that her yardman was now an aide at the hospital.  He came and took care of her one day.  

I'm glad she's at peace now and with family.

Saturday, July 19, 2014


It seems like yesterday that my Dad passed.  It was only 2 years ago.  

Mom before she was Mom

Now I'm about to lose Mom.  She had surgery 7/7 and did really great.  Recovering fine, returning to her normal self, laughing and having fun.  Then last Friday night, 7/11, she had a strong stroke.  So strong it left her paralyzed on one side and blind on that side.

She's not getting better and is steadily going downhill.   She didn't want to live with tubes and was very  vocal about it in the past few years and we did go over that again before her surgery.

She's on comfort care now and I hope what little time is left is peaceful.