Sunday, May 09, 2010


Of course it was starting to get hot as in the 80's already which requires use of the a/c in the late afternoon and evening.  Now we get a cold spell.   And the rain that's been forecasted every day for weeks has finally decided to descend from the clouds.  I heard it during the night and assumed it was a dream.

All the yard ornaments have been moved pending decent weather that will allow the fence company to return to stain and seal the fence.  I took advantage of the time and moved all the yard ornaments that go into the ground, let them dry, cleaned the dirt and some of the rust off then used a rust inhibitor.  I'm using a bronze hammered rust prevention paint spray on the parts that will be above ground.  They are looking good!

Of course, now that everything is in a jumble in the yard, I've decided to move a few things once the fence is stained/sealed.  Assuming of course, that it does eventually occur.

The St Augustine sod pieces are still alive.  While I do like  Burmuda, I've found that you just can't walk on it barefooted.  St Augustine, on the other hand, is delightful to walk on.  And I'm hoping it will cover some of the concrete edges that show around the garden bed borders - Burmuda let it show!  

Some of the metal edging behind the garden border is  gone.  Especially areas where I had them expand the bed when installing the border.  I kept tripping over the edging.  I got most of what I wanted out and then my brother and sister-in-law came over to help with the rest.  Most of it will be left as it helps keep the mulch from coming out of the beds.  But there are a few places where it wasn't low enough or the beds were increased.  I forgot about the edging around the brick patio in the back (it's just a 10x10) so need to get that out.  I'm going to try to put the same edgers in front of the patio but not around the whole thing.

I'm getting rid of some of the daylilies as they keep growing and getting more crowded but aren't blooming.  Some haven't bloomed in years in spite of dividing so they are being booted out of the garden.

I pulled 4 bags of iris' out over the last week.  They must love clay as they can cover a city block in 2 years!  well, at least a good part of the garden and where I don't need them!  As for the   cannas, those will be pulled and dug out and put in a few pots.  They love the clay too!

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