Friday, February 18, 2011

Oh the Sun is Out and Shining It's Little Heart Out (Feb 12 2011)

Which means the snow and ice are melting big time!  YIPPEEEE!  All the ice and snow were still in the driveway but I slid out just fine.  Looked like only 1 person had been down the alley in the past few days though.  But when I turned out of the alley.... there it was.... a street with just some ice and snow.  Lots of slush but you could see the street!  Yea.

Then the next street was almost clean and the big street was fine- plenty of water by the side but at least it was recognizable as a street.  LOL.   By then, the heater in the car was going strong enough I wanted to take off my coat.

I drove on down to Chuy's, waited on a friend (she was late because of the clocks that needed to be reset due to the rolling blackouts) and had wonderful nachos and jalapeno dip.  Oh my.  was it ever good.  The sun was wonderful, the parking lot was mostly clear although I must say that the entrance was really slick and icy from being in the shade.  My  cabin fever was abated as was seeing real honest-to-goodness humans.

Stopped and got a little gas (it was all they had) and decided to come home.  The grocery store parking lots were so full that people were driving around hunting parking spots.  And since they were bound to be a little on the cranky side (hey, 4 days stranded even at home is bad, but people with kids had a whopping case of cabin fever) so I went home.  Safely.  And the cats even came out to greet me!  Yea.

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