Thursday, December 29, 2011

Afterwards.... there was such napping and playing of games

Wonderful Christmas.  Being with family is great.  BIL didn't make it as he was sick - turns out he has a sinus infection.

But we had a good time.  Then I came home to Christmas with the kitties - I'm not sure why they get Christmas gifts since they get gifts all year - and a nap.  The kitties like the toy they received from their cousin Jack.  I hear them attack the bird (it makes bird sounds) but they don't do it when I'm in the room and camera ready!

I got a lovely GPS with lifetime maps so I can't get lost when we go hunting cemeteries and towns that don't exist anymore (yes there is a story or 2).  I changed the voice to Dr Nightmare and was testing him out on the way home from taking Mom back to her house.  Dr Nightmare says crazy things randomly like 'Did you check in the back seat?' or 'What's in the trunk?'.  Then I stood in line for an hour to pay for a case for it, I can't believe I did that because if it isn't an Apple product, I just don't stand in line for anything - well, maybe a restroom!
Mom even got in the Stupid Zombie action!!
Oh and I'm already in trouble for next year.  All I did yesterday was mention that playing Stupid Zombie cracks me up and makes me laugh.  I don't know why but it does.  So when I go over to my brothers house the day after Christmas, my niece and sister-in-law both announce that I'm in sooo much trouble because my brother and nephew-in-law won't stop playing the game.  I, of course, insist they are greatly mistaken because .. well, just because.

And the lighted flamingos still haven't been noticed.....


  1. Hi Carla,

    Thank you so much for stopping by my blog. I don't think I know about Stupid it fun? It sounds like you had a great Christmas. Happy New Year!

  2. Claudia - Stupid Zombie is a fun game. It has squishy sounds that aren't frightning just funny. Heads and body parts roll but it isn't bloody. And it shows all on one screen unlike Angry Birds. It's an iPhone app. And Thanks for stopping by! Carla
