We are in stage 3 drought and only allowed to water once a week. My day is Sunday. My sprinkler system is turned off except when I need to run it manually. The silly control box can't keep track of the days and time so I can't even set it to run just on Sunday or it will run during the 10am-6pm time when we can't use sprinklers.
It was nice and cloudy yesterday and rained in spurts. Gee, I sure would like a nice loud thunderstorm. I've forgotten what that is like.....
Apparently, it only rained at a few houses on my street because many houses had their sprinkler systems on this morning. That's one reason why I walk in the street. (I bet you thought by now that I wasn't going to mention the topic of the week!)
The other reason I walk in the street is for safety. Yes, safety. The sidewalks aren't really smooth and I can trip over dust. This way I can look ahead cause that's good exercise for my neck (it's all that iPhone reading on the train!).
We won't talk about the texting while walking incident.