Monday, February 19, 2007

The eye story:

One night last week, I woke up and had a brown haze over my right eye. I got up and it didn't get better, I panicked, went back to bed and worried myself sick. I finally went back to sleep though.

When I woke up, I showered, got dressed, gave the cats their morning treats and left for work. I opened the garage door, ran around to the drivers side and got in. Pulled out of the garage, shut the door and headed down the alley. Then I saw some white spots. I worried but went on down the alley and headed up the street. Then more white spots, not many, but kept shaking my head and rubbing my eyes. It seemed to die down and then back up again. I panicked this time and decided to turn around and go home and call the emergency room. Just as I was putting the car in reverse, I heard the radio say something about snow flurries in the area! I checked again and sure enough, it was snow flurries!

What a scare.

After more scare at work - well, people were talking cataracts - and one co-worker said she had cataract surgery at a very early age, and talking about cataract surgery - I went out at lunch (missed our lunch and learn though) and got some allergy eye drops and some dry eye drops. That has helped a lot. I'm sure keeping the house so warm and drying my hair in the mornings in the car (yep, all vents toward my head but blasting my right eye dry) doesn't help any. I will be soooo glad when spring comes.

I hate missing the lunch and learns. They get someone from the business to talk about the business since we are so far removed from it. It is really interesting and it helps to know what we do does make a difference. I'm in IT, just in case you can't tell. It actually makes me want to do something that is closer to the business that what I do today. But let's not talk about my role today as I'm tired of hating my new job. I like the people (ok, well, most of the people - especially the brits and the aussies) and don't want to cause them any trouble by leaving but if I have a heart attack, that will impact my family more. Especially, the cats.

Sam the male cat got out again today. I was unlocking the back door and he got his little paw and opened the back door, took me by surprise and escaped! He wears me out trying to catch him. And poor Millie, she saw the escape and was crying out so loud that I could hear her outside!

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