My mom is continually getting requests to go to the courthouse in Sherman to pick up another certified copy of a birth, marriage, or death certificate and is making friends with the county clerks now. it keeps her busy and out of trouble.
She has, however, lost her co-pilot license. Forever. Never again will I pay attention to 'I remember that so we are going in the right direction'. An 8 mile trip took 40 minutes in the dark, hilly, windy road, heavily treed single lane road somewhere west of Pottsboro TX without cell reception. And the iphone couldn't find us on the map. Nice scary road for Halloween but I wanted to drop her off and get home to the kitties. I bet during the day it would have made for a great motorcycle or motorscooter ride.
Seems like of lot of my female ancesters live well into the 90's. And generally speaking, have been healthy as horses. Some are still driving because they live in small towns where that is more acceptable than in a large city where even drivers under 50 drive like idiots and don't know how to use turn signals but instead use the one finger salute as they turn left in front of your car to make the exit that they should've changed lanes a mile or so back but missed because they were doing 80 in a 35 and missed the signs of their impending turnoff. long sentence but you get my point?
I just spoke with 2 lively still active 90+ relatives - the distant distant relatives. As in, I had to explain who I was by saying 'I'm Carl and Minnie's granddaughter - Jerean is my mom'. I enjoyed the talks and they were both named Hazel! Well, I thought it was funny. But they are more active than me - oh but that is probably why they are so healthy and mentally alert too. I did get to hear a story about Mom going down to their farm with her sister to ride the mule. They lived in a small town in western Kansas near Boot Hill. Yes, the wild wild west. So why are we such a boring bunch?
Any way, here's a picture that has nothing to do with this post: It is Sam taking one of his daily snoozes (the sound of the camera woke him up - oops!)
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