Monday, April 26, 2010


I seem to always forget that my drier yard attracts all the ants that would drown otherwise in my neighbors yard.

So as I'm getting ready for bed last night, a glance down at the tub in the master bathroom looks suspiciously dirty.   Oh, the 'dirt' is moving!  Yikes!   it's ants.  I follow the trail to an orchid pot, lift it up and there is the ant baby factory.  A few shrieks, a can of RAID and a thingy of Clorox wipes later, they are all gone.  They scattered from the sill around the tub into the shower but they have been sprayed AND sent down the drain.

This morning, after calling the pest company (they'll be here Wed afternoon), I found an ant trail on the outside of the master bathroom.  Another can of RAID.  Sprayed the crape myrtle near the fence as well.  I do not like ants.  Neither do the cats.

I wonder what will happen when I sell the house and give the reason for moving as 'the neighbor next door'.  She really is nice, she just wants a forest in the middle of the city.  If I say anything, the batteries in the sprinkler control box are always to blame.......

I've had the sprinkler on once so far this year.  And only because  the ground was dry enough to crack and the wind was making it worse.  Other than the tomato plant and herbs (in baskets), I haven't really watered much so far because it is SPRING not the middle of summer and watering every day is a waste.

Things to be thankful for:
    they weren't fire ants (they were all over my hands and not a single sting - just that awful creepy crawly sensation),
    they weren't termites (a friend just posted on Facebook that he woke up to a swarm of termites this morning),
    an extra can of RAID ant spray is always useful

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