So the most intelligent man in the world says that aliens may hurt us. Well, duh. It didn't take the most intelligent man to figure that one out. If there are other cultures and life beyond this earth, then there's bound to be more than one species of aliens. And who can say what the state of their culture is? Some may be more advanced - especially if they manage to get here - and some may not be as advanced. I'll save the discussion on civilized or not for another blog.
Even as a child, it seemed strange that in the movies, when aliens came, our military thinks we can outpower them. If they got here, then they can probably destroy us. so what?
Another thing about outer space movies that I saw as a child, why were the aliens always portrayed as peaceful, or lived in pure white clean antiseptic worlds? Why would we think or assume that just because the aliens made a trip to the earth, that they were better than us? or they could provide a better life for us? We all come from the same God.
And don't forget the Twilight Zone movie where everyone made the same stupid assumptions and got on the spaceships to go to a better place only to discover that the 'golden book of life' was really a cookbook with humans as an ingredient. No wonder they were fed so well on the trip. ha
Sometimes I wonder about humanity and the ability to think on one's own versus sheep group think where you follow without knowing anything.
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